i cast my lot with texasgalt, VB,and the rest. if'n its alright with you TG,, i'd like to buy the next round of drinks at the hotel bar across the street. lookit yonder, we have friends awaiting us. ..... A breakdown on the matter from RS's resident expert on unions could set the matter straight - not in the eyes of Daniels supporters or detractors - but in the eyes of those who have been hearing a lot of cross talk and don't know what to make of the matter. ...
The pilot guides the plane out around the prime real estate that is the University of British Columbia and past the Vancouver airport, heading south-east as the land fades into the distance. There are no whales to be spotted today, ...
For the love of Mike Preston, early in the Cleveland game when Boldin was mugged while going after the ball it looked like the Cleve. defender was trying to help an old lady cross the street before shoving her down on the pavement. ...